How to be a Barney Miller Fan
"Barney Miller" is a sitcom that originally ran on ABC from 1975-1982. The show was critically acclaimed and is considered an all time favorite by many tv fans. "Barney Miller" is extremely well written and acted. Hopefully, new audiences will continue to enjoy the antics of those who occupied and visited Manhattan's 12th precinct for generations to come.
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Get intimate with the Fish. Many people who have not had the chance to watch "Barney Miller", tend to identify the show with one specific character. That character is Detective Phil Fish, played by actor Abe Vigoda. While it is true that Fish was the breakout character on "Barney Miller", it is also true that Vigoda only stayed with the show for three of its eight seasons. This fact should not deter viewers from watching because "Barney Miller" is great with or without the character of Fish.
Recognize the ethnically and racially diverse characters who were not stereotypical. The character of Ron Harris is an African American man, who also happens to be a republican. Nick Yemana, is a Japanese American, who served the United States in World War II. Stan "Wojo" Wojciehowicz in the early episodes of "Barney Miller" comes off as a guy who isn't very open-minded, however, as the show continues, Wojo becomes much more thoughtful and less judgmental. Hence, Wojo is following a long character arc, which is refreshing to see on TV.
Pay homage to the humble cops. While many "cop shows" on TV tend to portray police officers at times as super human, "Barney Miller" shows them as realistic people. They are flawed and do not always make the right choices. However, most of the regular and recurring characters on "Barney Miller" are decent men and women, who are trying to survive in this world just like everyone else.
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