
How to Pack Properly for a Cruise

How to Pack Properly for a Cruise

Packing for a cruise is similar to packing for a land-based vacation in a similar climate, with a few exceptions.

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Assess your wardrobe several weeks before your cruise. Choose a couple of colors that work together so that what you bring can be easily mixed and matched, then try on everything you plan to wear together to ensure each item is suitable and doesn't need any cleaning, repairs or alterations.

Make a list of items you need to pack and buy any items you don't have (sandals, bathing suit, rain slicker).

Pack comfortable, layerable clothes for daytime. On most ships, shorts and t-shirts are fine for tropical cruises; your "causal Friday" outfits should work for most evenings.

Bring one bathing suit and a cover-up, but not beach towelsthey're provided.

Depending on the climate, you'll most likely need three pairs of shoes: rubber-soled shoes for walking on the deck, one pair of sandals or other shoes comfortable for walking in port, and one pair of dress shoes for evening.

Pack at least one pair of underwear and socks (unless it's a trobpical cruise) for each day of the cruise.

Add a hat, travel clock, sunglasses and batteries or chargers for your camera and other electronic devices.

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How to Listen to Your iPod in the Car

How to Listen to Your iPod in the Car

The Apple iPod is wonderful because you can take your music collection with you wherever you go. One place you deffinitely want to be able to listen to your iPod is in the car. You can do this with the help of a car adapter, but you need to know the two best car adapters for use with iPods, which one is right for your, and how to use it.

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Use a tape adapter, if you have a tape player in your car. The easiest and least expensive way to listen to your iPod is through a tape adapter. These basically look just like a cassette tape with a wire attached that runs to your iPod.

Purchase a tape adapter. It's best to buy one that is specifically made for iPods since ones that are not can cause annoying your iPod to randomly pause. Tape adapters specifically for iPods are available fairly inexpensively at any electronics or music store.

Plug the end of the cord into the headphone jack of your iPod. Slide the tape end into your car's cassette player. Now press play on your tape player and play music on your iPod normally. The music will be played through your car speakers.

FM Transmitter

Use an FM transmitter. If you do not have a tape player in your car, you can listen to your iPod via an FM Transmitter. This is a device that plugs into your iPod's headphone jack and broadcasts the music over an FM radio station so that you can listen to your music on your car's speakers.

Purchase an FM Transmitter at an electronics or music store. The most important thing to look for when buying an FM transmitter is to get one that can play on ALL the FM stations. Some transmitters only play on a few of the least-used stations and if you happen to live in an area where these stations are broadcasting, you are out of luck.

Find a clear radio station to play your music over. Turn on your car radio to FM and listen to each frequency until you find one that has almost no noise. Set your FM transmitter to that station number (i.e. 94.5). Play your iPod normally and the sound will be played through your car's speakers.

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How to Identify Birds Using Online Resources

How to Identify Birds Using Online Resources

While no online source can take the place of a good field guide, there are several places online where you can get help identifying birds. It helps if you have an idea of the bird's species and are merely looking to confirm it, but at least one site will help you start from scratch.

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Go to WhatBird at www.whatbird.com. Click on SearchBirds.

One by one, enter the attributes of the bird that you are trying to identify. Options include habitat, color, backyard feeder, bill length, readily eats, bill shape, location, shape, size, wing shape, and family.

Get more specific by entering information on the topics in the left-hand column. These include descriptions of basics, pattern, head, body, and flight .

Look at the species offered as possibilities until you find the one that matches the description of the bird you saw.

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How to Join a Birding Listserv

How to Join a Birding Listserv

Birding is one of America's fastest-growing hobbies, and it was inevitable that birders would start using their computers to communicate with one another. Listservs are mail groups that allow you to receive and post messages regarding birds and birding. Whether you're a beginning birder with questions or a seasoned veteran with a rare sighting to report, there's bound to be a listserv to accommodate your needs.

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Go to the American Birding Association's Web site at www.americanbirding.org.

Click on Resources, and then on Mailing Lists.

Click on the birding list you would like to join and follow the instructions on the site to subscribe. Subscriptions are generally free.

Join BIRDCHAT by signing on to http://listserv.arizona.edu/archives/birdchat.html and clicking on Join/Leave the List. This is a good mailing list for beginning birders who wish to post questions to other birders all over the country.

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How to Access Rare Bird Alerts (RBAs) Online

How to Access Rare Bird Alerts (RBAs) Online

Whether you are taking a birding trip or are just interested in knowing if any rare birds are in your area, you can access RBAs online to get up-to-the-minute information.

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Go to www.birder.com. Click on Birding and then on Rare Bird Alert.

Click on the state or province you want the RBA for. Scroll down the list of RBAs for that area and click on the latest RBA for current information.

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How to Attract Quail

How to Attract Quail

Quail are ground-dwelling birds that associate with one another in groups called coveys. They are more common in the southern part of the country, but the range of the Northern Bobwhite - the familiar quail of the East - extends quite far to the north. Check a reliable field guide to see what species may be in your area.

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Restore some habitat. Quail habitat is fast disappearing as development sprawls across the country. If possible, set aside several acres and plant them in native shrubs and grasses. They should be low-growing plants that provide cover as well as food.

Consider planting a food plot if you have the space. A food plot is especially planted with plants that attract quail. For ideas, enter "food plot +quail" in a search engine and see what the possibilities are for your area.

Scatter seed on the ground or place it in a low feeder. Quail will eat cracked corn, millet, sunflower seed, or mixed seed.

Add a source of water. Shallow ponds or birdbaths placed low to the ground are perfect for quail. Be sure there is a source of cover nearby so the birds can get away from would-be predators when they are wet.

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How to Choose the Perfect red Hair Color

Red hair color is on fire this season. From subtle auburns to eye-popping hues, reds are always a favorite color for those looking to get their hair noticed. Here well show you which reds will work best with your skin tones.


If youre not sure of your skin tone, ask a professional for their opinion. Theyll advise you on your coloring and what shades will and wont work for you.

For blondes or those who want a subtle red color, try a strawberry blonde shade. This works great with pale skin tones as it wont overpower your coloring. Keep your color choice on the lighter side. Dark reds will wash out your skin coloring, so opt for the subtler reds such as terra-cottas.

Light brunettes and dark blondes can add a hint of red that will blend with their natural hair and give a slight but noticeable boost to their hair color.

Remember a little bit of red goes a long way. To ease yourself into the realm of red, try adding red hair color via highlights.

Stick to the warmer shades of red. Deep violet reds wont work, so choose warmer, softer reds.

If you plan on coloring your hair at home, choose a red hair color kit that is labeled reddish blonde or strawberry blonde. If youre in doubt, take down the toll free number of the company who makes the kit and ask for recommendations.

How to Choose the Perfect Red Hair Color for Medium Skin Tones

If youre not sure of your skin tone, ask a professional for their opinion. Theyll advise you on your coloring and what will and wont work for you.

Medium skin tones should stick with medium red hair color. Auburns are a great choice as long as theyre not too dark.

Lowlights in a slightly darker and redder shade of your natural color is a great introduction into red. If youre unsure if red is for you, start slowly with this method.

Avoid extremely bright reds such as bright coppers or light orange-reds. A medium reddish brown is likely to compliment your coloring without looking drastic.

If you plan on coloring your hair at home, choose a red hair color kit that is labeled medium auburn or reddish brown. If youre in doubt, take down the toll free number of the company who makes the kit and ask for recommendations.

How to Choose the Perfect Red Hair Color for Dark Skin Tones

If youre not sure of your skin tone, ask a professional for their opinion. Theyll advise you on your coloring and what will and wont work for you.

Darker and olive skin tones should stick with the cooler red shades.

Burgundies and violet-based colors will flatter your skin tones best.

Avoid very light reds, such as strawberry blonde and bright auburn. Deep mahogany reds are subtle and a great introduction into red hair color for your skin tone.

For a fun look, try having panels of slightly different reds applied throughout your hair. This dimensional look is eye-catching and far from ordinary for those who like to get noticed.

If you plan on coloring your hair at home, choose a red hair color kit that is labeled burgundy red or violet red. If youre in doubt, take down the toll free number of the company who makes the kit and ask for recommendations.

How to Find Out the Generation of Your iPod

How to Find Out the Generation of Your iPod

Before you buy any accessories for your Apple iPod, you will need to know which generation it is. This is easily done by looking at a few key features of your iPod.

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Check whether your iPod has a scroll wheel or a touchpad. First-generation iPods have a mechanical scroll wheel that actually moves around. In all later generations, there is simply a touch sensitive pad. If you have a moving scroll wheel, you have a first-generation iPod

Check to see if the Menu, Play/Pause, and Skip buttons form a ring around the scroll pad. On a second-generation iPod, the scroll wheel is touch sensitive and the Menu, Play/Pause, and Skip buttons form a ring around it but are not actually attached to the pad.

Check to see if the Menu, Play/Pause, and Skip buttons are arranged in a line just under the screen. Third-generation iPods have the Menu, Play/Pause, and Skip buttons arranged in a line just under the screen. Additionally, these buttons are touch sensitive and do not click in when pressed.

Check to see if the Menu, Play/Pause, and Skip buttons are part of the scroll wheel itself. The fourth- generation iPod has the Menu, Play/Pause, and Skip buttons on the scroll wheel itself. iPod Minis (the smaller 4GB iPods in metallic green or pink, not to be confused with the tiny Nano which has a color screen) are also counted as fourth generation. Most devices that work for the larger fourth generation iPods work for the minis as well.

Check your screen. The iPod video is the fifth generation and it has a color screen and comes in 30 to 60GB sizes.

Check the accessories to see if they work with iPod Nano. The iPod Nano is in a class of its own and only accessories that say they work with the Nano are guaranteed to do so.

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How to Announce Your Pregnancy at Work

How to Announce Your Pregnancy at Work

Telling your employer that you are pregnant can be tricky. You do not want to jeopardize your position or esteem in your organization, but you want to give them time to prepare. This strategy may help.

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Make sure you are pregnant. People often wait until after the first trimester before announcing a pregnancy to friends and family; the work-place should be no exception.

If you have a pending review, you may wish to consider waiting until after your review before disclosing your pregnancy to avoid influencing your review results. This tactic will only work if your review is early enough in your pregnancy that you will not be showing yet.

Before you tell your employer of your pregnancy, make sure you have reviewed your employers maternity policy. The policy should inform you if you are entitled to paid maternity leave, the amount of your allowed maternity leave time, and your compensation, if any, during your maternity leave.

Talk to your supervisor privately when you decide to tell your employer of your pregnancy. You will need to tell your employer when you expect to take your maternity leave. Make sure to impress upon your employer whether you plan to return to the organization. Regardless of whether you plan on returning or not, you want to keep the relationship with your employer as friendly as possible. Even if you do not plan on returning to work immediately, you may want to return to work when your child is older and maintaining good relationships with your employer may help in your job search.

Develop a plan to ensure your work will be ready to transfer to a co-worker during your maternity leave. This could include preparing exit memos for your assignments, transferring your assignments to another coworker with instructions, or completing all of your assignments before your maternity leave and not taking any new assignments to ensure total completion of your work before you leave.

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How to Attract Woodpeckers

How to Attract Woodpeckers

There are more than 20 species of woodpeckers found in North America. Not all will come to feeders, but there's a good chance that a few species in your area will be responsive if you put out the welcome mat. Have your field guide handy to identify any takers.

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Put up a suet feeder or hang suet in a mesh bag. If the suet is mixed with nuts or raisins, so much the better.

Offer nuts. Peanuts--preferably shelled--are favorites, but woodpeckers will eat most any kind of nut. They will also eat black-oil sunflower seeds and cracked corn.

Preserve dead trees. Dead trees or snags offer perfect perching and nesting opportunities for woodpeckers. While the tendency is always to just clear away a dead tree, if the tree poses no danger to life or property, leave it standing for the woodpeckers.

Put up woodpecker nesting boxes. The size of the box depends on the species of woodpecker you are trying to attract, so you'll need to do some research beforehand. Set the boxes out in spring and take them down in the fall.

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How to Attract Woodpeckers

How to Attract Woodpeckers

There are more than 20 species of woodpeckers found in North America. Not all will come to feeders, but there's a good chance that a few species in your area will be responsive if you put out the welcome mat. Have your field guide handy to identify any takers.

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Put up a suet feeder or hang suet in a mesh bag. If the suet is mixed with nuts or raisins, so much the better.

Offer nuts. Peanuts--preferably shelled--are favorites, but woodpeckers will eat most any kind of nut. They will also eat black-oil sunflower seeds and cracked corn.

Preserve dead trees. Dead trees or snags offer perfect perching and nesting opportunities for woodpeckers. While the tendency is always to just clear away a dead tree, if the tree poses no danger to life or property, leave it standing for the woodpeckers.

Put up woodpecker nesting boxes. The size of the box depends on the species of woodpecker you are trying to attract, so you'll need to do some research beforehand. Set the boxes out in spring and take them down in the fall.

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How to Attract Blue Jays

How to Attract Blue Jays

"Wait!" you say, "blue jays may be pretty, but they are also loud, querulous, chase other birds away and even eat the eggs and young of other species." Still, if you are a blue jay advocate, here's how to get them to your feeder for a great photo op (especially when they're next to cardinals or goldfinches!).

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Erect a large platform feeder that is easy for blue jays to land on.

Fill the feeder with peanuts. You can use whole, raw peanuts, peanut kernels or peanut halves.

Include sunflower seeds. The birds will eat whole seeds, but shelled seeds are a special treat.

Hang a suet feeder, especially in winter when the birds are looking for high-energy foods.

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How to Attract Cardinals

How to Attract Cardinals

Cardinals, or "redbirds" as they are often called, are large, sturdy birds that need a sturdy surface to feed from. They often feed on the ground, but a solid feeder filled with their favorite goodies is sure to attract them to your yard.

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Buy a tray or platform feeder with space enough on it for larger birds to land.

Fill the feeder with any of the following foods: black-oil sunflower seeds (a cardinal favorite), safflower seeds, peanut or other nut kernels, or dried fruit such as raisins or apples.

Use mealworms (available at most pet stores or online), especially in spring when cardinals are feeding young.

Consider offering seeds from fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, cantaloupe or squash (including pumpkins).

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How to Spot Clean a Garment

How to Spot Clean a Garment

Spot cleaning a garment can be very difficult. Most garments care labels say spot clean only but really there is no such thing as spot clean. If you follow these steps you should be able to remove the stain.

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If garment is freshly stained take a papertowel and dap to remove any liquid. Treat spot with pretreatment spray and let soak in.

If garment is not silk or linen it can be washed. Hand wash in warm water with a mild soap. If garment is silk or linen take to the dry cleaners.

After hand washing if stain is still present treat again and let sit a little longer. If stain is gone lay flat to dry.

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How to Remove Milk Stains from an Infant's Clothing

How to Remove Milk Stains from an Infant's Clothing

First- time moms sometimes find it hard to get stubborn milk stains out of their baby's clothes. But don't consider those clothes ruined just yet. Even old milk stains can easily be removed if you follow these simple steps.

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Pretreat the stained area. The best pretreatment spray is Dreft. It is available at all major stores, such as Walmart and Target.

Be generous with the spray, especially if the stain is old or large. Allow the pretreatment to soak into the clothing and work for a few minutes.

Wash the clothing according to its care label.

Take the clothing out of washer and inspect the stained area. If stain is still visible, repeat Steps 2 and 3. If the stain is gone, dry as usual.

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How to Clean a Baseball Hat

How to Clean a Baseball Hat

Have you ever wanted to wash your favorite baseball hat, but didnt know how to it so that it wouldn't get ruined? There is a very quick and easy way to do it, simply by using household items and your dishwasher or washing machine.

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Find two round, plastic food strainers close to the size of your hat. Take one strainer and place open side down. Position your hat onto the strainer as if the strainer is wearing the hat.

Spray the hat with pre-treatment or stain removing spray if your hat is very dirty. Then take the second strainer and place it on top of the hat, open side down. Tie the strainers together with string, bread ties, or garbage bag ties. Secure well so that the strainers remain closed tightly. This will help your hat to keep its shape.

Place your hat in the dishwasher by itself or in a washing machine by itself. Wash on warm setting, using laundry detergent, not dishwasher detergent.

Check the hat for stains when it's done washing. If all stains are gone, let it air dry still positioned on top of strainer. This will help it keep its shape while drying.

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How to Clean a Baseball Hat

How to Clean a Baseball Hat

Have you ever wanted to wash your favorite baseball hat, but didnt know how to it so that it wouldn't get ruined? There is a very quick and easy way to do it, simply by using household items and your dishwasher or washing machine.

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Find two round, plastic food strainers close to the size of your hat. Take one strainer and place open side down. Position your hat onto the strainer as if the strainer is wearing the hat.

Spray the hat with pre-treatment or stain removing spray if your hat is very dirty. Then take the second strainer and place it on top of the hat, open side down. Tie the strainers together with string, bread ties, or garbage bag ties. Secure well so that the strainers remain closed tightly. This will help your hat to keep its shape.

Place your hat in the dishwasher by itself or in a washing machine by itself. Wash on warm setting, using laundry detergent, not dishwasher detergent.

Check the hat for stains when it's done washing. If all stains are gone, let it air dry still positioned on top of strainer. This will help it keep its shape while drying.

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How to Find a Pelagic Trip

How to Find a Pelagic Trip

Pelagic trips (aboard boats that go far offshore to find seabirds) are for hearty souls and dedicated birders, but they are a fine way to add many species to your life list that you could never see if you remained a landlubber. Here's how to find some of the most popular pelagics in North America.

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Log onto the American Birding Association Web site at www.americanbirding.org.

Click on Resources and then on Pelagic Trips.

Peruse the Directory of Pelagic Trips until you find one you would like to take.

Contact the trip organizer for details and cost. This can often be done via e-mail, saving you the expense of a phone call.

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How to Remove Vomit from Clothes and Comforters

How to Remove Vomit from Clothes and Comforters

A vomit stain can be very unpleasant, but it is easily removed. Follow these simple instructions for easy stain removal.

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Use paper towels to remove any loose materials if the vomit is wet. If vomitis dry, use a bristle brush to loosen any materials and remove them from the garment or comforter.

Dab the remaining stain with a paper towel to blot up as much as possible, then treat with a stain remover. Let the stain remover soak in and sit for a few minutes before you put the item in the washing machine.

Wash the garment or comforter as directed on its care label. Check the stained area to ensure the stain has been completely removed before drying. If not, repeat step #2.

Dry as directed on the care label once the stain is successfully removed. If you cannot remove the stain, let item air dry and take to dry cleaners.

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How to Remove Urine Stains from Clothing and Comforters

How to Remove Urine Stains from Clothing and Comforters

It can be very frustrating when your pets or children get urine on clothes or bedding. But with a little work and patience urine stains can be removed.

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Plan to wash any fabric with urine stains. This is the only way the smell and stain will come out.

Find the stain and pretreat it with a stain remover. The sooner the stain is treated, the easier it will be to remove.

Wash normally. If the fabric's care label states "dry clean only," the item will still need to be washed. This may cause bright colors to bleed. But if you took your item to a dry cleaners, they would have to wash it too.

After washing the item, check stain. If it is gone, proceed with drying the item according to the care label. If the stain is not gone, repeat Step #2. If stain came out of a dry-clean item, do not dry it in a dryer. This can cause major shrinkage. Let the item air dry, then press if necessary.

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How to Steam a Formal Dress in a Hurry

How to Steam a Formal Dress in a Hurry

Pulling a formal gown out of storage only to discover it's wrinkled can be a real inconvenience. No time to take it to the dry cleners? Relax, here are a few very easy solutions.

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Use a hand steamer, if you have one or can borrow one. Be sure to hold the steamer far enough away from the dress's fabric to ensure water does not get on your formal.

Use your shower. Turn the hot water on full force. Close curtains or doors, unless the shower does not vent out the top. If not, leave curtains or door slightly open.

Hang your formal in the bathroom away from water so fabric will not get wet. Ensure that the fabric is not touching the floor or any surfaces that may "sweat" and transfer moisture during the steaming process.

This process usually works. If it does not, or if your formal is severely wrinkled, your best bet is the dry cleaners.

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How to Present Bad Work-Related News to Your Supervisor

How to Present Bad Work-Related News to Your Supervisor

Disasters happen at every workplace. When the time comes for you to tell your supervisor of a mistake that was made (either by you, or by someone else), it helps to have a presentation plan before going to him or her.

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Identify the actual problem. After identifying the problem, find out the extent of the disaster. Does it affect other members of your organization? Does it affect your clients? Who is going to learn about the problem and when is he or she likely to find out about it on his or her own?

Create a plan of resolution. Do not go into your supervisors office with only the problem. Bring your supervisor solutions to the problem. This way, your supervisor will know you appreciate the magnitude of the problem and have the skills to begin repairing the damage.

Try to find out how the disaster occurred. Was it a miscommunication? Was it a typographical error? Was it caused by something outside the control of your organization? Your supervisor will want to know why the disaster happened and you should have a response. If you cannot find out how the disaster happened, tell your supervisor what you have done to identify the cause of the disaster, but that your research has not revealed an answer.

Be prepared to implement your plan of resolution. Since you are the individual presenting the information to your supervisor, he or she will assume that you know the most about the situation. That means you are the obvious choice to participate in repairing the situation.

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How to Unclog a Toilet

How to Unclog a Toilet

A clogged toilet often can be cleared in a few simple steps. Give these a try before you call in the pros. If you think your toilet is blocked, don't use it until the blockage is cleared.

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Ask your family if anything is missing. A missing toy or a make-up container could be blocking the toilet.

Place some old towels or blankets on the floor around the toilet. No matter how careful you are, some water will likely splash onto the floor.

Scoop water out of the toilet bowl into a bucket (NOT down the sink). Leave only enough to cover the plunger.

Insert the plunger into the toilet, making sure that the rubber globe or cup is fully seated over the drain opening.

Push down on the plunger handle with firm strokes. Increase pressure on the clog by pushing and releasing the plunger 10 to 15 times. Rough, careless plunging can damage the toilet bowl. If the clog isn't too tight, these bursts of increased water pressure will probably clear the obstruction.

Attack tougher problems with a toilet auger. A toilet auger is similar to a plumber's snake, but it is covered in a plastic sheath to protect the toilet. (See the related eHow, "How to Use a Plumber's Helper or Snake.") Lost toys, tubes of make-up and stubborn clogs will all probably need the auger.

Flush the toilet if you think the clog has moved. As a precaution, have the toilet tank lid off and be ready to stop the water flow by raising the ball in the toilet tank.

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How to Buy Replacement Windows

How to Buy Replacement Windows

New windows can really improve the look of an older home while also improving energy efficiency.

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Consider which windows you want to replace. Do you want to replace them all or just certain ones?

Prepare a preliminary budget. How much you can afford to spend will determine how many windows you can actually replace based on different window materials, designs and features.

Consider what you want your new windows to do. Are they to be an architectural design feature or merely provide functionality? Decide whether you would like the windows to open and close, and how they should operate. Don't forget that windows also provide security.

Factor in the time of year. In all probability, the project will take at least several days, during which time your home may be somewhat exposed to the elements.

Contact several replacement-window vendors and installers for quotes.

Discuss the various window types that the vendors offer and the merits and costs of each: wood frames, wood that is vinyl-clad or wood that is aluminum-clad. Vinyl- and aluminum-clad windows do not require painting, so they are low-maintenance. However, vinyl clad windows are not always available in a wide range of colors, so don't assume you can get a particular shade.

Discuss the energy-efficiency options (such as standard insulated glass and low-e glass) offered by the vendors. Consider low-e window coating (a window coating that reduces heat loss through the glass while at the same time allowing heat from the sun to penetrate) or gas-filled windows (argon or krypton inserted between double glazing which reduces heat loss). Work the additional cost of these features into the context of the estimated savings on your heating and cooling bills. Do the expected savings justify the extra cost? Aluminum and vinyl window frames may be less expensive than wood-clad vinyl or aluminum, but they won't provide the same insulating capabilities.

Ask the vendor/installers for references and check them: Were past customers happy with the work done? Was the work completed in a timely manner? Have they had any problems since the installation? Did the contractor leave the site in a clean and undamaged condition? Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints lodged against them.

Select a vendor/installer based upon price, window type, references and your impressions.

Make sure that the vendor/installer offers guarantee(s). Sign a contract for the work. If ordering the windows separately from a vendor, make sure that the installer has signed off on the list to verify that the windows specified are correct.

Make sure that the installer is properly insured. Get a valid certificate of insurance from the contractor before you pay any money or before the work begins.

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How to Get the Most Hair Volume

How to Get the Most Hair Volume

Hair volume is big this season and for those of you who want to get in on this trend here are some pointers. Youll find out what products to use and what styling tools will give your hair lots of beautiful body.

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Try not to wash your hair the day youre going to be styling it if possible. Hair that isnt freshly washed tends to have more hair volume. If you must wash your hair that day, use a volumizing shampoo and conditioner.

Apply a volumizing mousse or root volumizing spray to damp hair. Work the hair product through the hair thoroughly using a wide toothed comb.

Flip your head upside down and blow dry your hair on a medium setting. Massage your scalp with your fingers while drying your hair to give extra lift at the roots. If you have curly hair, scrunch the hair in your hands while aiming the nozzle at the section of hair youre scrunching.

Flip your head right side up again while your hair is still slightly damp if you plan on wearing your hair straight, and finish drying using a large vent brush or round brush to continue styling your hair.

Use your brush to lift the first one to two inches of your hair straight up away from your scalp and point the dryers nozzle under the section directed upwards for more hair volume at the roots of your hair. Leave the dryer there for a few seconds and then move on to the next section.

Use the brush to smooth the shaft and ends of your hair and finish drying your hair completely.

Finish scrunching the hair until it is only slightly damp if you are wearing your hair curly. Let your hair air dry the rest of the way to avoid your hair getting frizzy.

Use a dime- to a quarter-sized dollop of hair pomade or styling wax to tame any frizzies and define the ends of the hair or any layers you may have.

For a final burst of hair volume, flip your head upside down again and lightly mist your hair with a light-hold hair spray. Bring your head right side up again and use your fingers to fix any stray hairs.

How to Get Hair Volume with Short Hair

Apply a volumizing mousse or styling cream to damp hair. Run a wide-toothed comb through the hair to evenly distribute hair product through your hair.

Use a vent brush or round brush to style your hair while drying. Concentrate on the roots of your hair. Lift them off the scalp and point the nozzle of the blow dryer up and under each section to create lift.

Use the brush to smooth the shaft and ends of the hair into place. If you have a natural part, styling your hair against the part will create more volume.

Use a styling wax to separate your strands and add definition once your hair is completely dry. Coat your fingers with the styling wax and run your fingers through your hair. Coat random small sections to create a chunky look.

For extra hair volume use your fingers to lift the first inch or two of your hair and spray the roots with hair spray.

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How to Operate a Cement Mixer

How to Operate a Cement Mixer

Running a cement mixer may not be as easy as operating a blender--but close. Follow a few steps carefully and in no time you will be whipping up margaritas for party guests on your new patio.

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Before learning how to use a cement mixer, determine whether your job requires a cement mixer or a mortar mixer. A cement mixer works for mixing cement, which is used for sidewalks or as a base for setting flagstones in an outdoor walk. Use a mortar mixer for masonry work.

Read the instructions before operating your mixer.

Set up the mixer on a level, solid surface.

Read the mixing instructions on each bag of material.

Plug the cord into an outlet.

Start the mixer before adding material.

Add material to the rotating drum.

Leave the mixer running the entire time it contains cement.

Empty the drum while it is rotating.

Turn the drum down to drain all fluids.

Wash out all debris from the inside of the mixer.

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How to Operate a Circular Saw

How to Operate a Circular Saw

For weekend warriors, using a circular saw can make home improvement projects easier to do, with results that would make Ty Penning proud.

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Before finding out how to use a circular saw, decide what power saw you need for the job. Do curving cuts with a saber saw, band saw, or jig saw. Cut trees and tree limbs with a chain saw. Use a circular saw for making long, straight cuts and crosscuts.

Read the owner's manual.

Check that the blade is sharp. Replace a dull blade while the saw is unplugged.

Set the blade depth, while the saw is still unplugged, so that it extends no more than 1/8 to 1/4 inch below the wood.

Set up sawhorses or a bench to support the wood.

Use clamps to hold your work in place. Never cut across your arm, knee or hand.

Put on safety goggles, glasses or other eye protection.

Wear a dust mask or respirator if sawing harmful materials such as treated wood.

Plug in the saw.

Start the saw and let it reach full power before starting to cut.

Use both hands on the saw: one on the trigger and the other on the front knob handle.

Stop the saw when you are finished cutting. Allow the blade to stop moving before removing it from the wood.

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How to Operate a Backhoe

How to Operate a Backhoe

Anyone who ever played with Tonka trucks in the dirt as a child secretly digs the idea of someday using a backhoe as an adult. With a little attention to safety, it's entirely possible.

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Running a backhoe requires some advance research on the area where you plan to dig. You will need to locate and mark underground cables, gas, water, and sewer before digging. Also, be sure to assess the area for holes, obstacles or drop-offs.

Read the operator's manual.

Use handrails, ladders, or attached steps when mounting the machine.

Fasten your seat belt, set the brake, and place the transmission in neutral before starting the engine.

Start the machine.

Keep the loader bucket down on the ground while you level the machine.

Begin to dig. Always operate the backhoe from the seat.

Fill the bucket in accordance with manufactuer's instructions.

Lift loads with the weight over the back of the machine, not the side.

Dump the bucket uphill when working on a slope.

Park on flat ground with the loader and backhoe buckets on the ground when finished.

Relieve hydraulic pressure by working the controls before turning the backhoe off.

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How to Remove Earwax

How to Remove Earwax

Cleaning your ears regularly will promote better hygiene. Routine earwax removal must be done gently. The suggestions that follow will remove normal earwax. If you have earwax that generally gets impacted (your doctor will have told you at some point in your life), you need to see a doctor to have it removed.

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Choose the method best for you. If you have dry or itchy ears, use only warm water or saline solution, and irrigate your ears only. If you have sensitive skin, use saline solution or plain water; if you have a lot of earwax, use oil, but discontinue use if irritation occurs. If you have no sensitivities, you can use any oils and hydrogen peroxide. Excessive earwax may require several applications over three days.

Gather needed supplies near a sink.

Warm the hydrogen peroxide and/or oil by placing the bottles in a bath of very warm water for a few minutes to bring the solutions to body temperature.

Place one of the towels over your shoulder on the side that you are treating.

Tip your head so that the ear you are about to treat is facing the ceiling.

Puddle three drops of oil into your ear canal using the eye dropper.

Purge the dropper of remaining oil into the sink, then use the dropper to place three drops of peroxide in the same ear canal.

Wait for a few minutes, until the bubbling of the peroxide stops.

Move to the next step if you need only one application. If you need multiple applications, place a cotton ball gently in the ear opening. Do not push it down inside. This will hold the solution in the ear so it can do its job. Apply the wax removal solution frequently a couple of times a day for a few days. Leave a cotton ball in place between applications. After a couple of days, you are ready to remove the cotton and move to the next step.

Make sure your towel is on your shoulder and your ear is over the sink. Tip your head so the ear you are treating now faces the floor.

Fill the small bowl with warm water. Fill the bulb aspirator with warm water.

Aim the open end of the bulb aspirator at a 45-degree angle to your ear canal by resting it against the bottom rim of your ear.

Ensure the end of the bulb is not in so deep that you have created a seal. Expelling water into your ear canal if there is a seal could cause injury.

Compress the bulb in a quick gentle bursts. Use only enough pressure to wash free any loosened earwax.

Dry the outside of your ear with a cotton swab or cotton ball. Never place a cotton swab or any object in your ear canal.

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How to Unclog Ears

How to Unclog Ears

Clearing stuffy ears can help you avoid ear pain and possible eardrum damage. Clogged ears can occur during colds, respiratory infections or conditions, or allergic reactions. Here are a few easy steps to help you clear your clogged ears.

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Prevent clogged ears before they happen. If you are prone to clogged ears, take an antihistamine in advance of potential allergic reactions or, when you have a cold, before lying down.

Swallow repeatedly or chew gum if your ears become clogged. These steps may help open the tubes from your ears to your throat and allow them to drain.

Determine if your ears are unclogged. If not, take a full breath of air and hold it. Pinch your nose closed and blow against it. You will feel a pressure change in your ears.

Take an antihistamine if they are still clogged.

Use steam heat to clear your ears. If you are at home, fill your shower room with steam or take a hot shower. Remain in the steam for at least 10 minutes. If you are on an airplane, ask the flight attendant for 2 cups with steamy cloths in them and place them over your ears for at least 10 minutes.

Jump up and down after the steam treatment, but make sure you don't slip on any wet surfaces. Jump several times while at the same time shaking your head back and forth as if doing an exaggerated no gesture

Try tipping and rolling your head until you feel the blockage in your ears begin to drain. Do not place your fingers or any other object into your ear canal.

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How to Prevent Fainting

How to Prevent Fainting

To avoid losing consciousness, be aware of fainting symptoms. Primary signs of passing out are: lightheadedness, dizziness, and feeling weak or hot. Skin may look pale, or feel cold, clammy or sweaty.

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Lie down if you are experiencing fainting symptoms, or help the person who feels faint lie down. Put your arms around her mid-section and slowly lower her to a lying position.

Do not prop head or use a pillow. This could bend the airway and impede breathing.

Raise legs about 8-12 inches to allow maximum blood flow to the brain.

Loosen any tight clothing at the neck or waist.

Prop open a door or window, or turn on a fan to bring in fresh air if indoors. If a crowd gathers, ask for space.

Apply a cool, damp cloth to forehead or to the back of the neck.

Stay with her and talk to her normally. Do not shout. If you don't know her name, ask her, and use it when talking with her. Reassure her.

Watch for fainting sensations to pass and for the person to become fully coherent and mobile within 10 minutes. Allow her to sit or stand slowly.

If full recovery is not achieved within ten minutes, call 911.

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