
How to Get Car Insurance for Exchange Student

How to Get Car Insurance for Exchange Student

Exchange students usually visit the U.S. from 6 to 9 months and might want to drive a car which requires insurance. Foreign nationals can carry an International Driving Permit for a maximum of 1 year from the date of entry into the U.S. Exchange students can also use this permit to get car insurance.

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Check your university brochure. If you come to the U.S. on a J-1 visa (given to exchange students) and want to drive a car, you need to bring an International Driving Permit. Your university will give you a comprehensive insurance policy to register and drive a car.

Rent a car if you'd like to drive once in a while. Renting a car is easy with an International Driving Permit. You can either get a non-owner's insurance policy from a local insurance agent or insurance available from the car rental itself.

Call for quotes and shop for the best rates on a non-owner's policy. You may not have an established driving history, so your premium is likely to be higher.

Get a guardian through your universitys exchange student adoption program. Check the availability of a guardian with your exchange program coordinator. You can then add your name to their existing insurance policy temporarily and pay them for the difference in their premium.

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