
Simple Prompt Challenge

Write a poem of any length, style, or form using one of the prompts from the list below as your inspiration.

Read the prompts and find one or more that inspires you or intrigues you in some way.

You are free to use the prompt verbatim or to change word forms.

You can add or eliminate connectives or marker words, or even just use a part of the prompt given.

Poets often amaze themselves at what comes out when they take on prompts. Read them and absorb them and let them inspire. You may be surprised at the thoughts evoked.

That's why prompts are one of our favorites.

Try it out. You'll amaze yourself.

We follow one simple courtesy in the forum, if you post a poem, please take the time to read and leave comments on two other posts.

The Prompts

wandering wonder

edgy and razor sharp

oblivious to the implication

tricky fingers of debate

some expansive chaotic manifestation

out of the box leapt . . .

a subtle side plot

lacking notification he/she . . .

some snide polished perfidy

yelling its art out

a sub-conscious exploration of indifference

in reluctant deference he/she waited

a shadowed visage of distortion

dreamscapes of delight

seeds scattered in the wind

enraged by insensitivity

a path through thickets of briar

otherwise uninformed

despising the relevance

transcending patterns

word-energies spoken

destroying their false cover

inherent authority

beyond relevant sanity

distracted by description

story time flew away

obnhoxious fumes called words

a collapse of reality

spoken of by all who came

despite the innundation

eccentricity aside

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