
How to Attract Woodpeckers

How to Attract Woodpeckers

There are more than 20 species of woodpeckers found in North America. Not all will come to feeders, but there's a good chance that a few species in your area will be responsive if you put out the welcome mat. Have your field guide handy to identify any takers.

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Put up a suet feeder or hang suet in a mesh bag. If the suet is mixed with nuts or raisins, so much the better.

Offer nuts. Peanuts--preferably shelled--are favorites, but woodpeckers will eat most any kind of nut. They will also eat black-oil sunflower seeds and cracked corn.

Preserve dead trees. Dead trees or snags offer perfect perching and nesting opportunities for woodpeckers. While the tendency is always to just clear away a dead tree, if the tree poses no danger to life or property, leave it standing for the woodpeckers.

Put up woodpecker nesting boxes. The size of the box depends on the species of woodpecker you are trying to attract, so you'll need to do some research beforehand. Set the boxes out in spring and take them down in the fall.

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