
How to Clean a Baseball Hat

How to Clean a Baseball Hat

Have you ever wanted to wash your favorite baseball hat, but didnt know how to it so that it wouldn't get ruined? There is a very quick and easy way to do it, simply by using household items and your dishwasher or washing machine.

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Find two round, plastic food strainers close to the size of your hat. Take one strainer and place open side down. Position your hat onto the strainer as if the strainer is wearing the hat.

Spray the hat with pre-treatment or stain removing spray if your hat is very dirty. Then take the second strainer and place it on top of the hat, open side down. Tie the strainers together with string, bread ties, or garbage bag ties. Secure well so that the strainers remain closed tightly. This will help your hat to keep its shape.

Place your hat in the dishwasher by itself or in a washing machine by itself. Wash on warm setting, using laundry detergent, not dishwasher detergent.

Check the hat for stains when it's done washing. If all stains are gone, let it air dry still positioned on top of strainer. This will help it keep its shape while drying.

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