
How to Prevent Fainting

How to Prevent Fainting

To avoid losing consciousness, be aware of fainting symptoms. Primary signs of passing out are: lightheadedness, dizziness, and feeling weak or hot. Skin may look pale, or feel cold, clammy or sweaty.

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Lie down if you are experiencing fainting symptoms, or help the person who feels faint lie down. Put your arms around her mid-section and slowly lower her to a lying position.

Do not prop head or use a pillow. This could bend the airway and impede breathing.

Raise legs about 8-12 inches to allow maximum blood flow to the brain.

Loosen any tight clothing at the neck or waist.

Prop open a door or window, or turn on a fan to bring in fresh air if indoors. If a crowd gathers, ask for space.

Apply a cool, damp cloth to forehead or to the back of the neck.

Stay with her and talk to her normally. Do not shout. If you don't know her name, ask her, and use it when talking with her. Reassure her.

Watch for fainting sensations to pass and for the person to become fully coherent and mobile within 10 minutes. Allow her to sit or stand slowly.

If full recovery is not achieved within ten minutes, call 911.

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