
How to Remove Milk Stains from an Infant's Clothing

How to Remove Milk Stains from an Infant's Clothing

First- time moms sometimes find it hard to get stubborn milk stains out of their baby's clothes. But don't consider those clothes ruined just yet. Even old milk stains can easily be removed if you follow these simple steps.

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Pretreat the stained area. The best pretreatment spray is Dreft. It is available at all major stores, such as Walmart and Target.

Be generous with the spray, especially if the stain is old or large. Allow the pretreatment to soak into the clothing and work for a few minutes.

Wash the clothing according to its care label.

Take the clothing out of washer and inspect the stained area. If stain is still visible, repeat Steps 2 and 3. If the stain is gone, dry as usual.

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