
How to Care for Sweater Sets

How to Care for Sweater Sets

The sweater set is a valuable asset to any wardrobe. It is very versatile and can be worn in many ways. To keep your sweater set in the best condition follow these simple steps.

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Pretreat both pieces together if there are any stains. Lay each piece side by side and spray with a pretreatment spray. If soaking is needed, place both pieces in a bath of warm water and pretreatment spray.

Wash the pieces of the set to at the same time to avoid one piece changing color separately. Use a detergent that is specifically for bright colors to help hold the set's color.

Dry clean your sweater set together if you prefer. Tell the cleaner to fold the sweaters over the hanger to avoid stretching them.

Fold sweaters over a hanger or place in a dresser drawer. To fold, hold sweater by neckline and bring sleeves together and then fold in half.

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