
How to Put Car Insurance in Your Parents Name

How to Put Car Insurance in Your Parents Name

Getting a car insured under your parents name can save you a lot of money. The premium is usually low for people in their mid-forties and fifties. They are considered safer drivers because studies show they take fewer risks on the road. Although their insurance rate may go up, the additional cost will be cheaper than the cost of getting insurance in your own name (especially if you are under twenty).

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Ask your parents to call their insurance company and get a personal quote for adding a household member to their existing policy.

Ask them to call various insurance companies to compare rates. Often, other companies may offer a lower rate and it may be worthwhile to switch insurance companies.

Get quotes on insurance rates if you were to take the policy in your name and compare this with the above rates--even if you just to appreciate the difference.

Getting Insurance on a New Car

Register the new car in your parents name if you are above the age limit required by your parent's insuanrce company. You can register a new car in your name and obtain coverage through your parent's company if you meet the company's age limit standards.

Ask your parents to call their insurance company and get a personal quote for adding a household member to their existing policy.

Ask them to call various insurance companies to compare rates. Often, other companies may offer a lower rate, and it may be worthwhile to switch.

Call to find out insurance rates if you were to take the policy in your name and compare this with the above rates--even if you just wanted to see the difference.

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