
How to Make Egg Maracas

How to Make Egg Maracas

Making musical instruments cannot get any more fun than maracas. Maracas can be made and played by anyone. By adding maracas to your ensemble, your family band's sound can only get spicier.

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First you will need to choose whether you want larger or smaller maracas, or even some of each.

Choose your filling. You will notice that when the maraca is filled with raw rice that it sounds different than when it is filled with uncooked beans. Experiment with the amount of fillers you use or even expand to use small candies.

Once you have found the sound you want, add that amount of beans or rice to your plastic egg shells. You can either leave them unsealed to change at your will, or seal them with tape or glue.

Put on your favorite music and shake it!

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