
How to Announce Your Pregnancy at Work

How to Announce Your Pregnancy at Work

Telling your employer that you are pregnant can be tricky. You do not want to jeopardize your position or esteem in your organization, but you want to give them time to prepare. This strategy may help.

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Make sure you are pregnant. People often wait until after the first trimester before announcing a pregnancy to friends and family; the work-place should be no exception.

If you have a pending review, you may wish to consider waiting until after your review before disclosing your pregnancy to avoid influencing your review results. This tactic will only work if your review is early enough in your pregnancy that you will not be showing yet.

Before you tell your employer of your pregnancy, make sure you have reviewed your employers maternity policy. The policy should inform you if you are entitled to paid maternity leave, the amount of your allowed maternity leave time, and your compensation, if any, during your maternity leave.

Talk to your supervisor privately when you decide to tell your employer of your pregnancy. You will need to tell your employer when you expect to take your maternity leave. Make sure to impress upon your employer whether you plan to return to the organization. Regardless of whether you plan on returning or not, you want to keep the relationship with your employer as friendly as possible. Even if you do not plan on returning to work immediately, you may want to return to work when your child is older and maintaining good relationships with your employer may help in your job search.

Develop a plan to ensure your work will be ready to transfer to a co-worker during your maternity leave. This could include preparing exit memos for your assignments, transferring your assignments to another coworker with instructions, or completing all of your assignments before your maternity leave and not taking any new assignments to ensure total completion of your work before you leave.

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