
How to Prepare the Week of a Marathon

How to Prepare the Week of a Marathon

You've trained for months and months now, and the big event is almost here. The week before the marathon is crucial to the success of your run. Here's how to make the most of it.

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Lighten your workout routine to help repair muscles worn from training. Consider light interval training, but don't do anything that will make you sore.

Begin focusing on the upcoming race; calmly visualize yourself running the last few miles and finishing the race. Think positive thoughts. Relax.

Get as much sleep as you can during the week. You may not get 40 winks the night before the marathon because of nervousness, so store up your energy reserve now.

Maintain a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet during the seven days before your big run. Don't forget to drink lots of fluids.

Make a list of items you'll need for the marathon - power gels, sports drinks, your running number - and gather them during the week.

Make arrangements with friends and family if they're planning to cheer you on during the race, and organize your transportation to and from the marathon.

Check weather forecasts for the day of the marathon a few days before the race. Plan your dress accordingly.

Lay out equipment and clothing the night before, and pack up all the items you'll bring to the course. Eat an early, high-carbohydrate dinner, and go to bed early.

Wake up at least 2 hours before the start on race day, and eat a light but high-carbohydrate breakfast.

Start drinking water or a sports drink before you get to the site, and visit the bathroom one last time before the race.

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