
How to Steam a Formal Dress in a Hurry

How to Steam a Formal Dress in a Hurry

Pulling a formal gown out of storage only to discover it's wrinkled can be a real inconvenience. No time to take it to the dry cleners? Relax, here are a few very easy solutions.

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Use a hand steamer, if you have one or can borrow one. Be sure to hold the steamer far enough away from the dress's fabric to ensure water does not get on your formal.

Use your shower. Turn the hot water on full force. Close curtains or doors, unless the shower does not vent out the top. If not, leave curtains or door slightly open.

Hang your formal in the bathroom away from water so fabric will not get wet. Ensure that the fabric is not touching the floor or any surfaces that may "sweat" and transfer moisture during the steaming process.

This process usually works. If it does not, or if your formal is severely wrinkled, your best bet is the dry cleaners.

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